Welcome to One-Stop Training for the Retail Energy Industry
Earth Etch offers online training solutions to help your business meet compliance obligations in the deregulated energy industry. Don't worry, we can help.
Earth Etch Training Academy
The Earth Etch Training Academy allows companies and individuals to meet ongoing regulatory compliance and operational training needs. Whether entering a new market or brushing up on marketing and door-to-door sales regulations, these courses help non-regulatory employees and agents learn state-specific regulations in an easy-to-follow format, complete with quizzes and course completion certificates. Here’s the academics of it:
Custom Curriculum
Earth Etch has created specific training courses, broken down by markets and by specific content to meet the needs of your regulatory and operational compliance training. With our self-guided training materials, your business can be more proactive in meeting your obligations. With our online training system you can create your own custom catalog of curriculum by picking and choosing which courses fit you and your company’s needs best. Our catalog grows every month.
Quizzes and Certificates
Each online course offers interactive quizzes that a user will need to take in order to pass the course. When a user successfully passes the quiz for the course curriculum they will receive a certificate to prove they have successfully completed the training.
Self Administration
The Earth Etch training academy offers self-service administration for training managers within a company. Training managers can add users and designate which courses employees should take. Full control is yours!
Master the Retail Energy Industry
Our training website is your gateway to mastering the complexities of the retail energy industry. With targeted courses, interactive quizzes, and certificates of completion, we offer everything you need to succeed. Join us and elevate your expertise today!
Earth Etch has many courses to fit a variety of needs in different markets. We are always adding additional training courses to our catalog. Take a peek at what we got.
Earth Etch Training Academy Course Descriptions
General Training Courses
GEN (EG) Deregulated Energy 101-Part 1A & 1B (GEN-EG-101) - ★ View this Course
Students will learn about retail energy deregulation basics and overall market design in this training course. Students will be introduced to energy deregulation concepts, standard definitions and terms, acronyms and industry players. The unit will identify key factors impacting deregulated retail energy markets will be identified. Students will be provided a general overview of the flow of electricity and natural gas. This course ends with a short review followed by a quiz.
GEN (EG) Deregulated Energy 101-Part 2 (GEN-EG-102) - ★ View this Course
In Part 2, students will be introduced to the primary data exchange processes used between retail suppliers and the utilities. In the Billing and Payments unit, students will first be introduced to some vital billing-related definitions. Next, the course will introduce students to general billing and payment transactions and processes.
Delaware Training Courses
Electric & Gas
DE (Electric & Gas) - Part A, B & C - Energy Shopping Basics (DE-EG-100) - ★ View this Course
Our licensed attorneys and regulatory experts carefully designed this course to teach students the basics of energy shopping in the State of Delaware.
**** Part A – Customer Choice**** Part A explores the basic principles of competitive energy choice shopping. With the introduction of supply competition, consumers choose who provides their electric or natural gas supply. The student learns that customers can continue to purchase their electricity from their utility company or from entities called competitive electric suppliers. This course also identifies the reasons people may shop and the different ways a consumer may hear about existing supplier offers. We will also review a sample shopping website that customers may go to find electric suppliers within the customer’s service territory.
**** Part B – Regulators & Policy Advocates****
Part B provides a high-level look at the institutions and entities that are the source of the laws and rules applicable to Delaware’s retail electric industries. It also introduces some of the entities attempting to influence and shape (with varying degrees of success) energy policy in Delaware. The course provides a high-level understanding of the state's primary institutions and organizations involved in retail energy policy. The course identifies the entities responsible for passing the laws that apply to retail energy suppliers and the avenues available to the Governor to influence energy policy within the state. The course introduces the agencies whose work most impacts the energy industry, including the state regulators and other actors that frequently engage on policy issues concerning retail electric choice.
**** Part C – Electric & Gas Utility Bills****
Part C of this course identifies the electric utilities within the state where energy shopping is available. This section also provides some key facts about each utility, including reviewing the utility's service area footprint. Next, the student can examine some sample customer bills to identify and locate key bill components. This course takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. There will be a short quiz at the end of the course. On successful completion of the quiz, you will receive a certificate.
DE (Electric) Definitions, Enrollments & Billing (DE-E-101) - ★ View this Course
This course was developed by our licensed attorneys and regulatory experts. This course was carefully designed to teach students on the Delaware Public Service Commission’s Electric Supply 3001 Rules. All regulated brokers, suppliers or marketers must be trained on these rules.
**** Part A – Definitions, Pre-Enrollments & Customer Lists ****
The course begins by highlighting several terms and phrases used throughout the Delaware electric supplier rules. The student then learns how the Supplier obtains the customer information from the utility and what types of customer information the utility must provide and how often the utility must update these lists. The course also examines the purpose of the customer consent and how long the supplier must keep the customer consent records.
**** Part B - Enrollments, Drops, Billing & Metering ****
The first thing we will learn in this section is that these rules apply to energy providers serving or marketing to residential and small commercial customers. The course identifies the utility customer enrollment notification procedures and associated timeline. Next, the customer drop procedures are examined including how & when drop requests are handled. The course also examines when and how cancellation fees may be applied.
DE (Electric) Contracts; Contract Summaries; Renewals & Change Notices (DE-E-105) - ★ View this Course
This course was developed by our licensed attorneys and regulatory experts. This course was carefully designed to teach students on the Delaware Public Service Commission’s Electric Supply 3001 Rules. All brokers, suppliers and brokers marketing to residential customers must be trained on these rule requirements.
**** Part A – Contracts; Contract Summaries; Renewals & Change Notices ****
In Part A the student learns about the minimum contract requirements. This course details what information must be included in all supplier contracts. The student learns that whatever language is used to communicate with the customer during the sales practice must be the same language used in the customer contract. This course also identifies what information must be included in fixed and variable rate contracts. The student also learns other additional contract and contract summary requirements including rescission period and customer relocation rules.
**** Part B – Contracts; Contract Summaries; Renewals & Change Notices ****
Part B begins by learning that the supplier must provide customers with written directions on how to access variable price information and when variable price information must be made available to customers. This part also examines the format such price information must be displayed as well as what and when documents must be provided to customers.
DE (E) Customer Protection (DE-E-110) - ★ View this Course
This course was carefully designed to teach students on the Delaware Public Service Commission's Electric Supply 3001 Rules. All brokers, suppliers and brokers marketing to residential customers must be trained on these rule requirements.
**** Part A – Customer Protection ****
In Part A, the student gets a broad overview of some general marketing "do's and don'ts" that fall into the category of false, unfair, misleading or deceptive marketing practices. Then the course focuses on specific rule examples of acts and practices agents, brokers and Suppliers may not engage within Delaware. The unit also details the Supplier's obligation to train its agents on consumer protection and other regulations. Finally, Part A concludes by reviewing the consequences for violating these rules.
**** Part B – Customer Protection ****
In Part B of the Customer Protection rule section, the student learns about slamming and cramming, related complaint handling procedures and ends on the requirements associated with contract assignments.
DE (E) Enrollment, Marketing & Advertising, Reports & Compliance (DE-E-115) - ★ View this Course
This course was developed by our licensed attorneys and regulatory experts. This course teaches students on the Delaware Public Service Commission's Electric Supply 3001 Rules. All regulated brokers, suppliers or marketers must be trained on these rules.
**** Part A – Enrollment, Marketing & Advertising, Reports & Compliance ****
Part A begins by examining what information suppliers must include in their marketing materials. The student learns that the Commission and the DPA must review the supplier contracts and marketing material before soliciting prospective customers. Next, the course examines what information the Supplier must include in the Supplier's fixed and variable price offers. Next, the course focuses on sales-specific requirements for telemarketing.
**** Part B – Enrollment, Marketing & Advertising, Reports & Compliance ****
In Part B, the course focuses on the enrollment, marketing and advertising rules for door-to-door and the internet. First, we identify permissible marketing times, agent criminal background checks, identification, and disclosure statement requirements. Students also learn about apparel, accessories, and statements that agents may not display or say. The course concludes with an examination of reporting obligations and the consequences for failing to comply with the rules.
Green Products, Fuel Resource Mix & Net Metering (DE-E-350) - ★ View this Course
This course was developed by our licensed attorneys and regulatory experts. This course teaches students on the Delaware Public Service Commission's Electric Supply 3001 Rules. All regulated brokers, suppliers or marketers must be trained on these rules.
**** Part A – Green Products, Fuel Resource Mix & Net Metering****
Part A begins by examining the green power product requirements. First, students learn how green products are defined. Next, the course overviews renewable energy credits (REC) and renewable portfolio standard (RPS) regulations. This includes an overview of energy credits, green power registration, disclosures, labeling and reporting requirements.
**** Part B – Green Products, Fuel Resource Mix & Net Metering****
Part B begins with the topic of net metering credits. We start with an overview of the ownership rights to the net metering credits. Next, the course explores how the annualized billing period is handled for residential and non-residential customers. Next, the student learns about meter obligations, how the Supplier must handle customer net metering disputes, and other related responsibilities.
Illinois Training Courses
Electric & Gas
IL (Electric & Gas) - Energy Shopping Basics (IL-EG-100) - ★ View this Course
Our licensed attorneys and regulatory experts carefully designed this course to teach students the basics of energy shopping in the State of Illinois.
This course consists of three parts, Part A, B and C. In Part A, entitled Customer Choice, we review the basics of retail electric and natural gas customer choice. In Part B, Regulators and Policy Advocates, students get introduced to the regulators and policy advocates within the State of Illinois. And in Part C, entitled Utilities and Customer Bills, the state's electric and natural gas utilities are identified, followed by a review of some sample utility bills.
★ IL (Electric) Definitions, Compliance, Waiver & ARES Utility Assistance Recipient
★ IL (Electric) Marketing Materials, Use of Utility Logo/Name, Conduct, Training & Sales Agent Compliance
★ IL (Electric) Minimum Contract Terms and Conditions and Uniform Disclosure Statement
★ IL (Electric) In-Person Solicitation & Consumer Fraud & Deceptive Business Practices Act
★ IL (Electric) Telemarketing, Inbound Enrollments & Call Centers
★ IL (Electric) Direct Mail, Online Marketing & Internet Enrollment
★ IL (Electric) Rate Notice To Customers & Records Retention & Availability
★ IL (Electric) Renewable Energy Product Descriptions & Environmental Disclosures
★ IL (Electric) Rescission, Deposits, Contract Termination, Renewals and Assignment
★ IL (Electric) Required ARES Information, Disputes & Failure To Comply
★ IL (Electric) Definitions, Applicability, Conduct, Records, Reporting, Complaints, & ICC Oversight
IL (Electric) Definitions, Compliance, Waiver & ARES Utility Assistance Recipient (IL-E-101) - ★ View this Course
Our licensed attorneys and regulatory experts carefully designed this course to teach students the basics of energy shopping in the State of Illinois.
This course consists of two parts – Part A and B. This course covers the Illinois Alternative Retail Electric Supplier or ARES Part 412, Subpart A rules entitled “General”.
In Part A, Definitions, the students learn important Illinois Alternative Retail Electric Supplier concepts and definitions contained in the following definition rule section:
Section 412.10 Definitions
In Part B- Compliance, Waiver and AES Utility Assistance Recipient- the student first gets introduced to compliance obligations and whether waivers to rules are possible and, if so, under what circumstances. Next, students learn that retail electric suppliers may not market to or serve residential customers that receive low-income financial utility assistance. And this course ends by learning a few exceptions to this marketing limitation.
IL (Electric) Marketing Materials, Use of Utility Logo/Name, Conduct, Training & Sales Agent Compliance (DE-E-105) - ★ View this Course
Our licensed attorneys and regulatory experts carefully designed this course to teach students the basics of energy shopping in the State of Illinois.
This course consists of two parts – Part A and B. This course covers the Illinois Alternative Retail Electric Supplier or ARES Part 412, Subpart B “Marketing Practices”.
In Part A, Application, Marketing Materials & Use of Utility Name/Logo, the student first learns that the Marketing Practices rules apply to retail electric suppliers marketing to residential and small commercial customers. Second, students learn about specific information that must be included in all supplier marketing materials, regardless of the sales channel. For example, all marketing material must display the price-to-compare information and include specific disclosed statements.
In Part B, Conduct, Training and Compliance of ARES Sales Agents, the student learns that the electric supplier is responsible for ensuring its sales agents are trained and knowledgeable about the ICC rules. In addition, the supplier must teach the agent about the contract terms and rates, the rescission period, and much more.
DE (E) Customer Protection (DE-E-110) - ★ View this Course
This course was carefully designed to teach students on the Delaware Public Service Commission's Electric Supply 3001 Rules. All brokers, suppliers and brokers marketing to residential customers must be trained on these rule requirements.
**** Part A – Customer Protection ****
In Part A, the student gets a broad overview of some general marketing "do's and don'ts" that fall into the category of false, unfair, misleading or deceptive marketing practices. Then the course focuses on specific rule examples of acts and practices agents, brokers and Suppliers may not engage within Delaware. The unit also details the Supplier's obligation to train its agents on consumer protection and other regulations. Finally, Part A concludes by reviewing the consequences for violating these rules.
**** Part B – Customer Protection ****
In Part B of the Customer Protection rule section, the student learns about slamming and cramming, related complaint handling procedures and ends on the requirements associated with contract assignments.
DE (E) Enrollment, Marketing & Advertising, Reports & Compliance (DE-E-115) - ★ View this Course
This course was developed by our licensed attorneys and regulatory experts. This course teaches students on the Delaware Public Service Commission's Electric Supply 3001 Rules. All regulated brokers, suppliers or marketers must be trained on these rules.
**** Part A – Enrollment, Marketing & Advertising, Reports & Compliance ****
Part A begins by examining what information suppliers must include in their marketing materials. The student learns that the Commission and the DPA must review the supplier contracts and marketing material before soliciting prospective customers. Next, the course examines what information the Supplier must include in the Supplier's fixed and variable price offers. Next, the course focuses on sales-specific requirements for telemarketing.
**** Part B – Enrollment, Marketing & Advertising, Reports & Compliance ****
In Part B, the course focuses on the enrollment, marketing and advertising rules for door-to-door and the internet. First, we identify permissible marketing times, agent criminal background checks, identification, and disclosure statement requirements. Students also learn about apparel, accessories, and statements that agents may not display or say. The course concludes with an examination of reporting obligations and the consequences for failing to comply with the rules.
Green Products, Fuel Resource Mix & Net Metering (DE-E-350) - ★ View this Course
This course was developed by our licensed attorneys and regulatory experts. This course teaches students on the Delaware Public Service Commission's Electric Supply 3001 Rules. All regulated brokers, suppliers or marketers must be trained on these rules.
**** Part A – Green Products, Fuel Resource Mix & Net Metering****
Part A begins by examining the green power product requirements. First, students learn how green products are defined. Next, the course overviews renewable energy credits (REC) and renewable portfolio standard (RPS) regulations. This includes an overview of energy credits, green power registration, disclosures, labeling and reporting requirements.
**** Part B – Green Products, Fuel Resource Mix & Net Metering****
Part B begins with the topic of net metering credits. We start with an overview of the ownership rights to the net metering credits. Next, the course explores how the annualized billing period is handled for residential and non-residential customers. Next, the student learns about meter obligations, how the Supplier must handle customer net metering disputes, and other related responsibilities.
Maryland Training Courses
Massachusetts Training Courses
New Jersey Training Courses
New York Training Courses
Delaware Training Courses
Ohio Training Courses
Delaware Training Courses
Pennsylvania Training Courses
Texas Training Courses
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